I don’t have any solutions to the problems of the world (I. do, but nobody will listen to me). Seriously, I never envisioned a world in which people’s concepts of reality are so profoundly different. These differences can make relationships tough, especially when you and your friends and or family seem to see the same things but draw different very conclusions. How do you talk? How do you relate? How do you connect?
I struggle with this. There’s a feeling of loneliness when your perceived reality isn’t shared by those close to you. Mostly we’re talking about politics, but more and more, the world is viewed through a political lens, causing our relationships to become increasingly divisive.
If you are in a relationship which is really important to you, one that you wouldn’t want to let go of, you have to accept the differences. Look for common ground but don’t try to impose your thoughts and feelings on someone else. This can be really challenging and the more you care about someone, and the stronger your opinions, the more challenging it becomes. For the relationship to survive, you must refrain from challenging your friend’s, or family’s positions. Common ground allows you to create a new relationship based on what you both value. It won’t be the same, but it can still be satisfying.